Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Weekend and a 24 Week Update

Today I worked the ground in my garden plot and planted several seeds in pots on our terrace. Once those get going I will move them down into their official home in the community garden. If I plant them directly in the plot now, chances are the monsoon rains would wash them away. This is my first garden so with a little luck we should have lettuce, spinach, spring onions, radishes, carrots, eggplant, and peppers very soon.

We had a good meeting with our doctor yesterday. Our surromama is doing great. She is having normal everything, weight gain is good, and is not experiencing any discomfort other than concern of how her body will look after the twins are born. She sounds all together happy which in turn makes us very happy. The doctor will not let her go beyond 38 weeks, and advised against traveling too far from Delhi after Diwali.

The carpet shopping continues as we now have a 50-year old carpet that was acquired from the tribal mountains near the Iran - Afghanistan border. Thankfully we didn't have to trek there to get it. According to the carpet man it was used as a window/door cover for someone's home. When guests came they would take it down, sit on it, and drink tea. Which is really cool if all that is true. We are planning to look at a few more pieces tomorrow before we seal the deal.

Our weekend is ending with chocolate chip cookies... I can't think of a better way!



  1. Only one thing can top Chocolate chip cookies... A tall glass of ice cold milk!
    The carpet sounds fun, True or not its a good story.

  2. Glad things are going well with the twins ;)

  3. D and A, there was definitely a cold tall glass of milk accompanying our chocolate chip goodness.

    Cocoa, thanks for the nice thoughts. We are looking forward to reading about your surrogate selection. It's definitely not an easy choice.

