Saturday, April 30, 2011
Live From Bangkok
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Cats, Babies, and Families; Oh My!
With all that said, we are approaching the time to tell our families. Part of me wants to send and email saying "we are knocked up" and not miss a step. The other part of me wants to be less blunt and more respectful of their opinions; however in the end I don't care. I feel like if we sugar coat it just to make them comfortable, then we are willingly subjecting ourselves to their disapproval of our life and what we have a right to do. The only thing they should want is for us to be happy.
I value everyone's opinion. Where you lose me is when your opinions hurt other people. I told my family I was gay when I was eight-teen. We avoided the subject like the plague and never said one word about it for ten years. Then last year Douglas and I were planning to get married. I told them what our plans were because I wanted my family to know before the fact. The reaction I received was shocking, and it still turns my stomach. I can't imagine that my sister received the same reaction. My family is mid-western nice and would never be rude to my husband and I am very thankful for that. My mother even came to India this year for a visit. I think that if people could get over the "what will the neighbors think" mentality the mid-west would be a much more pleasant place to live. I am confident that if not in the beginning that over time our family will love our children as much as we do.
So for the good stuff... we are seven weeks and one day pregnant. We have not heard anything from Package, Doctor or Surromama this week. No news is good news at this point. We are having another ultrasound on next Friday (29th April). We hope to see growth and increased heart beat rate of our little ones. I think we are really close on choosing the names. After last night we have our two boys and one and half of our girls names, but they will remain a secret now so as not to elicit any comments from the peanut gallery.
In other news this week, our babies are hard at work:
* 1/2 inch long (the size of your pinky finger nail)
*mouths, nostrils, and ears are forming
*lenses in the eyes are forming and the iris color is visible
*arms, shoulders, hands, legs, feet take shape (toes and fingers next week!)
*neck is starting to straighten
So much excitement!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
All the What Ifs
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Two Daddies
Monday, April 18, 2011
Little Boxes
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Parenting Faux Pas

Saturday, April 16, 2011
My How You've Grown!

Friday, April 15, 2011
Just One Out Of Seven Billion?
Ultrasound Day
Another post really soon!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
How I Met Your Father
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Retail Therapy
Friday, April 8, 2011
Big Numbers
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Checklist Manifestos
- Time to share the good news with your partner - check... we're both in the know.
- Find out what to expect from the first trimester - check!
- Learn what's in store for the first four weeks of pregnancy - check!
- If you aren't already, begin taking folic acid each day - umm... Our Surromamma is, so, check!
- Start keeping track of name ideas for Baby in your online Name Basket - Fabian, Fabian, Fabian!!
- Begin researching hospitals - leaning towards Phoenix, but we'll have to see what some of our colleagues who have had babies in Delhi say.
- Choose your OB-GYN or midwife - check!
- Schedule your first prenatal visit - check... or really, NA!
- Get to know the basics of fetal development - check!
- Figure out your due date - this will probably wait until the ultrasound next week.
- Stop smoking, drinking, and cut back on caffeine. Know what's safe and what isn't during pregnancy - giving up caffeine in the land of chai isn't going to happen, but we did both quit smoking this year.
- Begin a pregnancy journal - does this blog count?
- Connect with other women who are due the same month you are - Jeni, I think you're it. Everyone else seems either further along or already have had babies.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Now We're Cooking
Monday, April 4, 2011
Fabulous Fabian
It seemed like an excellent idea at the time. In fact, if it was just me, I’d probably go for it. His name would be Fabian. That’s a great boys name; strong but not overpowering, sensitive but not wimpy, charming but not fake. He’d be the kind of boy everyone wanted to be friends with.
Turns out Fabian is about the gayest name you could have. At least that’s what Chad says. Well, honestly, Chad and all of my friends. In fact, exactly nobody appreciated the name Fabian. Nobody, that is, except me. I could definitely picture Fabian toddling through the wildflowers on top of an Austrian butte as Julie Andrews wonders aimlessly by singing something about hills and music.
If it was just our DNA making little Fabian, then chances are, he would blend in quite well with those musical alpine hills. However, little Fab’s bio mom is a little Indian woman from Delhi. Chances of little blonde-headed kiddos running around in our future are slim to none. Still, Fabian wouldn’t be a bad name for a Bollywood hotshot.
Anyhow, much to my chagrin, Fab got crossed off the list pretty immediately. Other names have been floated to replace my cherished Fabian. But, none that flow so effortlessly off the tongue. Fabian and I will have to get over it.
By the way, our beta count is 1432. We may have to keep Fabian as a backup name.